...watching for migrants flying along the ridge can be often challenging!
Despite (or possibly because) of the weather I managed three Ring Ouzels this morning and a single this evening. A pair were along the track first thing, though too distant to photograph and as Iarrived back to the house a female was atop of the oaks that line the pond, this one also proved 'ungettable'. This evenings bird was seen distantly along the track. These 'mountain' blackbirds have been annual in Aylmerton for at least the past four years, stopping off enroute to their summer upland breeding grounds after spending the winter south of the Mediterranean. Highly distinctive in spring, their thrush shape , Blackbird colouring set off by a broad white cresent on the breast is a welcome sight on any morning.

Ring Ouzel (a non artist's impression!)
Last nights mild and damp conditions looked promising for moths and so it proved with an excellent total of 65!:
Small Quaker - 20
Common Quaker - 8
Early Thorn - 6
Early Grey - 4
Powdered Quaker - 1
Twin spotted Quaker - 1
Hebrew Character - 11
Clouded Drab - 9
Water Carpet* - 1
Shoulder Stripe - 1
Double-striped Pug* - 1
Pug sp - 1 (to be identified!)
emmelina monodactlya - 2

Twin spotted Quaker

Water Carpet

Double striped Pug (I think!)
Pugs are a group of small moths which can be decidedly tricky to ID because of their subtle differences.
Totals for the macro moth year 267 of 26 species
A pair of Canada Geese that have been around the parish were raucous enough to be heard from the garden this evening and by doing so slipped on to the garden list! GYL 65
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