
This was Cassie the dominant female who held a territory throughout our stay... you were safe as long as you didn't walk around with food in your hand ( or you were another Cassowary!)

This is the male, Charlie, he would be tolerated at a distance by Cassie- even though they mate every spring!
Cassie's 'casque' (head shield) and wattles are bigger and longer respectively than on Charlie.

Like any female, she had perfected her 'if looks could kill' stare!

This is poor old Colin, the two year old son of Cassie and Charlie, not particularly liked by either of his parents and seemingly dispised by his mother! He would creep down the drive and jump at the mere sound of a foot step on the shingle in case it was his evil mum. If she did see him she was after him like a shot making low, farting noises as she went! He also ran like a girl.

A rare sight out of the breeding season, Cassie and Charlie together (yes thats a full size wheelie-bin!). Usually solitary during most of the year, we were treated to such an occurance due to Cyclone Larry which devastated this area in March (much of which was still evident) and destroyed almost all the fruits that were growing in the rainforests where these birds feed. Basically they were starving.
1 comment:
LOL @ Poor Colin running like a girl :D :D
She sounds like a bad wife and mother - but I'd love to hear the farting noises :D
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