The weekend provided a couple of good records on the insect front- the make shift moth trap plods on with much reduced numbers but still pulls in new ones with Treble Brown Spot, Buff-tip, Rustic plus probable Small square spot. The Hummingbird Hawkmoth graced us with its presence again on Sunday.
Treble Brown Spot


Just before I sat to watch the England game Sunday afternoon I thought I'ld put myself under an equal amount of pressure as the playing squad by seeing if I could get over too Felbrigg lake and back for the footie in 45 minutes! Managed it easily ( without making it look difficult- England please note!) and managed to twicht my first dragonfly, Red veined Darter
Red veined Darter

"I wasn't feeling too well just before, and after the shot it just came up, it was hot out there"...the pressures of blogging!
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