Brown Hare

The moth trap was a little light on numbers with just 13 trapped but another new one for me and some more for the year :
Streamer - 1
Scalloped Hook-tip*- 1
Hebrew Ch. - 2
Flame Carpet - 4
The Spectacle - 1
Mullein - 2
Chinese Character - 1
Clouded Drab - 1

Scalloped Hook-tip

Have updated the macro year list total 13/456/47
The Track was quiet, however a spell from the garden was rather productive:
Little Owl - roosting bird still visable through 'scope!
Willow Warbler* - An incredibly late FoTS singing from the meadows GYL 78
Lesser Whitethroat - at least 3 males singing.
Yellow Wagtail - pair still present and carrying food
Cormorant - 1 north
Red Kite* - 2 birds drifted west together at 1116 in the company of a Marsh Harrier!!! Initially I saw one bird as it was over the garden and whilst clamouring to get my scope on it the second bird then became apparent with the harrier below it! Both kites were in fairly heavy wing moult, nevertheless superb birds one of my very favorites.
Hobby - one distantly going south
I was drawn away into the next parish, West Runton, on report of a Black headed Wagtail there. Not the boy this time but a still smart looking Grey-headed Wagtail, being less rare and more likely, paraded around on the short grass, probably wondering why he wasn't in Scandinavia!
Grey headed Wagtail

shot below shows the velvety grey rear crown/nape

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