So to Saturday, and the day started fine and bright with a slight easterly breeze. My main objective today was to get Turtle Dove, hopefully on the GYL. Took my usual walk up the track, very little of note except 6 Tufted Duck flying around the copse pools in the middle of the potato field- if I was in the garden I would probably have just been able to see them!
From the garden aside from resident bird species there were also a few birds noted moving:
Cormorant - 4 west 5 east
Marsh Harrier - female east
Kite sp - A kite, most probably Red, was seen briefly at 0855 flying low east being harrassed by two crows. Its easy flapping flight mode, and sharply angled wings held pressed down wards in a glide were distinctive as it sailed behind a distant wood- then failed to reappear!
Osprey* - One was picked up high drifting west at 0920 (after a neighbourly tip off!) and was seen to continue over the horizon and was presumably the same bird that was tracked west along the Norfolk coast. GYL74
Hobby - Single bird circling over the Ridge with a Sparrowhawk
Whitethroat* - A singing male moved down the hedge behind the garden, and about time too! GYL 75
Disconcertingly I didnt manage to see any Turtle Doves, and this seems to be broadly the case on the North Norfolk coast at the moment, are they late or something worse?
Insect interest was confined to a Bee-Fly visiting the flowers in the garden, quick as lightening, I couldn't get a pic
After lunch the weather somewhat closed in so I took the opportunity to catch up on some stuff-like writing blogs!
Back to today and it was a murky start to the day, I decided to go down to my coastal patch but could only manage Black tailed Godwit (8) flying west as the most interesting. Back home it was quiet in the garden and the rain put pay to any visable migration, but not too rare birds! Late afternoon I sped over to Cromer seafront to see an american Laughing Gull which had just been found there. Sure enough it was there on a lamp post looking very dapper in its summer plumage before flying around several times and then heading of west. A first summer Mediterranean Gull was also present.
Laughing Gull

A power cut Sunday evening and blogger glitches last night are responsible for the late posting!
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