Friday, December 28, 2007

Parish Tick!

With the sun a little brighter this morning I thought I'ld try and see if I could get some piccies of yesterdays Water Rail. Scanning the Lake, it was obvious there was nothing 'new' in although a few of the Tufties and Gadwall seemed to have return. It was then that the Grey-lags decided to drop in from off the park fields, where something caught my eye, a Barnacle Goose! Mindful of the odd presumed escape that I've seen over here, I unhurriedly scoped 'the' bird, to see not one, but three Barnacle Geese! Looking nervous, they didn't remain on the lake long, and I assumed that when they took flight they'ld be away, but fortunately they'd noticed the perfect grazing field just south of the lake and settled there, remaining when I eventually left. No sign of the Rail, but once again it goes to prove that the more you go out ,the more you're gonna see, I love patch birding when its like this!

Barnacle geese with Grey-lags

presumed adult in fore ground, young'uns behind (latter showing brown fringed upperparts and less defined flanks)

At home, it was nice to see 3 Common Buzzaed in the air together from the bottom of the garden.

PYL 113 Barnacle Goose

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