A rather late morning jaunt down to Sheringham saw an almost continuous stream of
Starling's moving west, with up to 20,000 noted by 1030am. Also down here of note were a
Lapland Bunting flushed then flew west, 2
Great-spotted Woodpeckers together flying high west, an immature
Merlin and the long staying ad
Mediterranean Gull and
Northern Wheatear.
Mediterranean Gull- adult winter
After lunch, a walk up the track, with the temperature palpably balmy, I was on the look out for the odd raptor (hot on the heels of a Buzzard and a Marsh Harrier yesterday morning, hopefully!) No such luck, but the Starlings were still streaming west and a flock of 20 Golden Plover were present. I was already chuffed at seeing 4 Grey Partridge sticking close to one of the hedgerows but the sight of an adult LITTLE GULL feeding over the ploughed field was even better! With one seen in the parish a couple of weeks back when we were out of the county I thought I'd dipped out on this one! A little later in the afternoon i managed to secure it from the garden, resulting in a double tick!
Starlings on the move
Little Gull adult winter showing distinct dark underwing
Little Gull adult winter with unmarked upperwing