Thursday, April 05, 2007

Hare today...

A beautiful start to the day though a bit nippy with a light frost first thing, no bird movement early morning but a prolonged view of several Brown Hares frolicking in the after dawn sunshine.

the grey blotches in the shot below is actually Hare hair so there!

High Five Grumpy!

During the day a friend and regular migration watcher spent some hours up on Incleborough Hill (in the next Parish of West Runton, just over the wooded ridge) and had Red Kite , Hen Harrier, Common Buzzard and 17 Sparrowhawks! I'm sure some of these birds would have been visable from 'our' side, Damn you Work! This evening I was torn between some parish birding and going down to Sheringham Obs, I chose the later but was armed with fairly low expectations which were completely fulfilled! Highlights on the bird front being 3 Brambling in the wood and a Merlin flying west. I also disturbed a Muntjac here but could not set up swiftly enough to get any shots. The lack of birdlife was made up for by the feeling of warm sunshine on my face and a general feeling of being glad to be alive!
Yellowhammer at Sunset

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