Wednesday, May 13, 2009

North Norfolk

E Strong 4-5 bright becoming overcast, cold
Started the day down at West Runton, with the wind whipping the sand up and over the cliffs it was a bit blowy to say the least. Gannets were constantly trickling east off-shore, but little was happening on shore, with just 2 Wheatears noted. A chance glance at a Swallow around the disused buildings resulted in picking up 6 Arctic Terns coming over the village from inland heading for the coast and away.
Arctic Terns
I then headed for Sheringham Bird Observatory where, when reaching the cliff top, a flock of 5 Black Tern battled their way east off shore, apart from that things were pretty quiet-
Whimbrel 2w + 4 present
Hobby 1E
Wheatear 2
Whinchat 1
By lunchtime Cley was calling, and from Daukes Hide prolonged views of a dot, turned out to be the female CITRINE WAGTAIL- note to self "showing well" doesn't neccessarily mean that a bird is close enough to be seen, let alone identified!!!
More obliging however was a Temminck's Stint, up to 17 Black Terns (with numbers increasing by the minute) and a host of commoner waders.

Black Tern

Temminck' Stint

Temminck's Stint with Common Sandpiper

Black-tailed Godwit

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